Partnered with the Best Life Insurance & Annuity Carriers in the Industry

Providing You with Peace of Mind
When it comes to providing peace of mind for our families, no one should be denied due to pre-existing health conditions. That is why we have affordable options that fit every situation to make sure that your family is protected.
Want to cover burial or cremation costs? Leave money behind for income replacement, pay off bills or a mortgage? Leave money behind for legacy purposes like a grandchild's college tuition? We have you covered with our GUARANTEED ACCEPTANCE plans.
Term Life Coverage
Term life coverage offers higher coverage amounts at a lower rate than whole life coverage and is ideal for people who just need temporary coverage for income replacement, to pay off a mortgage or pay off any other significant loans / bills. Terms typically last for 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years and if selected, may come with a cash back option that will give you a 100% TAX FREE refund of all the premiums you paid during the term upon expiration of the policy.
Whole Life Coverage
Guarantees that as long as premiums are met, your rate will never increase and your coverage will never expire so it will always be there for your family when they need it. In addition, this type of policy has a savings account on the side of the insurance that builds with interest. As you make your monthly premiums, you are putting your money where it will grow and over time, you may access your savings in the event of an emergency or need, TAX FREE.
Living Benefits
Living Benefits are included at no additional cost which allows you to access all or a portion of your life insurance if you get diagnosed with a terminal illness in which you have 12 months or less to live, OR are unable to perform 2 of 6 Activities of Daily Living (ADLs, bathing, eating, walking etc) for 90 consecutive days, OR if you suffer from ALS, kidney failure, life-threatening cancer, major organ failure, heart attack, and stroke. Availability varies by state and plan.
Retirement Protection & Planning
Many people have lossed thousands of their retirement income due to market declines and the closer one gets to retirement, the less time they have to make up for the losses. A fixed indexed annuity is a safe, secure, and profitable option to continue to grow your retirement income as it participates in market gains, but does not lose due to market decline. 401Ks and other investments you may have can be seamlessly rolled over. Let us help you protect your hard earned retirement today.